• Working Hours
  • Sat-Thu 9:00am:5:00pm

Research Center

Based on the company's work principle of "programs based on research evidence", the company has established a center for research and studies as the first systematic step in accordance with the company's strategic plan 2023-2025, which was approved by the end of 2022.

The research center works to provide various services, starting with conducting studies and research to develop the company's programs and projects, as well as implementing these studies for various entities.

A group of research specialists from various fields (psychological, social, administrative, and legal sciences) as well as a specialized consultant with a PhD in measurement and evaluation oversee the execution of all types of studies. This research center primarily focuses on:

1- Conducting quantitative and qualitative studies in the fields: social, psychological, administrative, legal, and national studies that include large and very large samples and focus on national files such as violence, social and economic empowerment, youth and women’s issues, and cultural analysis studies.

2- Developing various quantitative and qualitative measurement tools and tests.

3- Arbitration of research, studies and various measurement tools.

4- Conducting all measurement and evaluation processes, and issuing evaluation, statistical and analytical reports to evaluate the various programs and projects, and the necessary feedback plans to correct the strategic and operational path.

5- Building quantitative and qualitative performance indicators for all programs and projects, a methodology for measuring them, and interpreting their results.

6- Supervising the application of pre- and post-measurement of the various training programmes, preparing evaluation reports and measuring the long-term impact of the training programs on the performance of employees at various job levels, and training managers to use them.

7- Conducting qualitative ethnographic studies and cultural, social, economic and developmental analysis studies for the purposes of identifying needs before building developmental programs for the regions.

8- Conducting quantitative and qualitative “analyzing the current reality” studies that aim to develop methodologies, programs, procedural or indicative guides, or strategic plans.

9- Conducting international benchmarking studies to analyze the best global practices in a specific field according to guidelines and standards that are precisely defined to achieve the best possible benefit from reviewing international experiences, to add its results to the results of the study of the current reality and reach accurate recommendations for developing targeted programs or building strategic plans.