• Working Hours
  • Sat-Thu 9:00am:5:00pm


Considering that the training methodology is one of the most important factors for the success of the work in the company, for its great role in empowering the work teams of the entities that benefit from our programs, and enabling customers to use the tools that have been developed, and in light of the company’s strategic plan, two work methodologies have been developed for the company’s training center: the methodology for preparing and designing training materials, and the methodology of implementing interactive training.


Methodology for preparing and designing training material:

An integrated methodology has been developed to prepare training material aimed at achieving long-term impact, through sequential and sequential methodological steps to build training content, analyze it, and direct it to achieve cognitive and skill goals and goals directed to building attitudes according to the (ASK) methodology. With a very careful design of training activities to achieve these three types of objectives, based on the principles of graphic organizations. The packages also include an integrated methodology for evaluation, starting from pre-assessment, formative and post-evaluation, as well as measuring the long-term impact through special tools designed for this purpose. Training is provided to the targeted institutions and managers are able to use them.


Methodology for implementing interactive training:

An advanced methodology is designed to implement the trainee-based active interactive training; This methodology is based on the principles of cognitive psychology, whereby the trainee performs the planning, implementation and evaluation processes under the guidance of the trainer according to the principles of "cognitive scaffolding". These activities aim at the end to enable the trainees to build and develop work models and applications. Therefore, active training is carefully guided within the trainees' higher levels of thinking: analysis, evaluation and creativity.
A Training of Trainers (TOT) course has been designed and implemented to prepare a group of the company's qualified trainers who are able to carry out the training according to the highest levels of professionalism.